
Attend a Seminar
Educational health seminars are informative, entertaining and can inspire people of all ages to consider natural treatment options for conditions that are poorly served by traditional medicine. Presented by Dr. Brian W. Scott, DC, BCN, CFMP, his seminars, on a variety of health topics, have educated thousands of people, including Fortune 500 companies, on both coasts.
Attend a talk or schedule one for your community or group. Seminars are typically arranged for 15 or more attendees and are 45 minutes to an hour in length. We help promote it by creating an eye-catching flyer for you to distribute. We can bring the projector and screen if necessary.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, live seminar attendance is limited to the number of individuals deemed appropriate by the local authorities and the community. Our primary concern is the safety of the individuals. We can give back to back talks to smaller audiences in an attempt to accommodate the interest in a community.
Contact us to learn more about our latest seminar topics, to schedule or attend a talk in your area, or learn more about our webinars